It is certainly possible to make your will even with the restrictions in place due to the Coronavirus outbreak. If you wish to ensure that your affairs are in order, we can still provide you with professional legal advice to ensure that your arrangements are up to date and meet your needs.If there are no concerns about your mental capacity, or your ability to provide instructions, our specialist solicitors are able to work remotely to discuss your instructions by telephone, or by other video messaging facilities. A member of our team can take details of your particular circumstances to ensure that we can prepare a bespoke will that meets your needs. We can then send this to you by either post or email for approval and issue a final version with instructions on how it should be signed to comply with the necessary legal formalities. You can then return it to us so that we can ensure that it is correctly signed and we can store it, as usual, in our securities.We are also able to prepare Lasting Powers of Attorney on a similar basis, to ensure that you have attorneys appointed to make decisions about your property/financial affairs and health and welfare if you become mentally incapable to make them for yourself.[button_shortcode button_url="/contact-us/#contact-page-form-start" button_text="Contact us to make or update your will today"]