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  • We understand how difficult it can be seeking legal advice when a relationship breaks down or you are considering divorce. 

    Our friendly legal experts can talk you through the available options to help you achieve the best outcome possible.

    Our family solicitors can give you practical, helpful advice and support to guide you through the process.

    If you need help regarding separation, divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership we can arrange a meeting or video call with you to take the details of your situation and give you an indication of costs for any action you decide upon.

    Family Fixed Fee Appointments from £250+VAT

    Sometimes you just need somebody to point you in the right direction. Our Family Fixed Fee appointments allow you to discuss your case and find out what your options are before you decide whether to take further action. An initial advice appointment with one of our family lawyers is a fixed fee at just £250+VAT plus £18.00 for an ID check.

    Countryside 4
    Personal Divorce
    Perssonal Settlement 2

    Key contacts

    Chris Brown


    Partner | Head of the Family Department

    Pavinder Khela

    Associate Solicitor | Family Law

    Insights & Legal

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