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  • 23 Jul 2018

    I’ve been thinking about getting a health and welfare LPA, what sort of decisions can be made?

    A. The health and welfare LPA allows your appointed Attorney(s) to make a number of decisions in regard to your general health and welfare. These include making decisions in relation to your daily routine, covering things such as your diet, general hygiene, grooming and then to more major decisions including medical treatment and also including whether you should have life-sustaining treatment (if you have given your Attorney(s) authority to do so).An LPA provides for any preferences or specific instructions that you may wish to leave to your Attorney(s). For example, you can leave instructions for medical treatments or you can state that you follow a vegetarian diet.As the Health and Welfare LPA is a powerful document you should consider taking advice from a suitably qualified professional to discuss the options available to you.If you would like further advice, please contact Andrea Beesley-Hewitt at Hegarty Solicitors on 01780 750952 or email andrea.beesley-hewitt@hegarty.co.uk.

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