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  • Q. Do I have to notify anyone about registering my Lasting Power of Attorney?  A. The simple answer to this is no. It is completely your choice if you wish to notify someone of your intention to register your Lasting Power of Attorney. Before Lasting Power of Attorney’s were introduced there were enduring powers of attorneys which required the individual to notify at least three people of their intention to register. However since the Lasting Power of Attorney’s replaced these powers, you now have the choice as to who you would like to notify of your intention to register if anyone.The reason for notification is as a security measure to ensure that the registration is genuine and that you have not been forced into giving someone the power to be your attorney. By notifying people this gives them the opportunity to intervene in the registration process if they have a genuine concern that it is not in your best interests.If you would like further advice, please contact Andrea Beesley-Hewitt at Hegarty Solicitors on 01780 750952 or email andrea.beesley-hewitt@hegarty.co.uk

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