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  • Q. I wish to make provision for my pet after my death, but have no close relatives or friends who I would feel comfortable asking to look after my pet.A. The RSPCA operates a Home for Life Scheme. This is a free service that provides peace of mind for pet owners. The RSPCA will take a pet into care upon the death of the owner and set about finding them a new home provided that the owner has included provision in their will passing care of the pet to the RSPCA. There is no need for the individual to have left any legacy to the RSPCA, although you may consider it appropriate to do so, but they must have made provision in their will that their pet be taken into the RSPCA’s care.You should consider whether you have a will in place and if so reviewing the will to ensure that this clause is included in your will so that the scheme can operate in your particular circumstances. You may wish to consider taking legal advice on the matter.Emma Carter, Solicitor

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