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  • Q. I have made a New Year's Resolution to make a Will and made an appointment to see a solicitor. How can I prepare for my appointment?A. It is good to see that you have made this New Year's Resolution, making a Will is extremely important and ensures that your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes should the worst happen. It is advisable to prepare a list of your assets together with values, in particular any specific items you wish to include in your Will. You will also need to bring with you an existing Will if you already have one, or a copy. Please also bring the full names and addresses of the people you wish to refer to in your Will.It is sensible to give some thought to any funeral wishes that you may have for example burial or cremation, and bring with you any funeral Bond that you have in place. It is also necessary to give some thought to who you wish to appoint to be your 'Executors', who will carry out your wishes as set out in your Will. It is advisable to check with them first to make sure they are happy to take on this responsibility. Similarly please give some thought as to who you would wish to appoint as 'Guardians' for any minor children, and again check with them.In addition, please consider who you wish to receive your assets after you die, e.g. your spouse, friends or family.When you attend your appointment we will discuss the above issues with you and let you know if there is anything further that needs to be considered.[button_shortcode button_url="https://www.hegarty.co.uk/personal-advice/wills-trusts-probate/" button_text="Contact us today for advice and support"]

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