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  • 19 Jul 2021

    (2021 Update) Coronavirus health and safety measures

    The government has confirmed that England will move to the final stage of easing Covid restrictions on Monday 19th July 2021. As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, it is important to ensure we continue to protect our staff and clients visiting our offices and as such, a number of hygiene and safety measures will remain in place in our offices. The following safety measures are in place to protect our staff and clients visiting our offices: 
    • Meeting rooms will remain arranged in a socially distant way with excess seating removed. 
    • Hand sanitiser will continue to be available at entry points and in meeting rooms for visitors to use. 
    • We have displayed social distancing and hygiene requirements in our waiting rooms and meeting rooms. 
    • Reading materials and toys will remain removed from waiting rooms. 
    • Clients are encouraged to meet with their legal adviser via video or phone conferencing where possible. In the event that a client or contractor must attend the office, this must be pre-arranged. 
    • All visitors are encouraged to abide by social distancing and hygiene measures. 
    • All surfaces including door handles and Perspex screens will be regularly cleaned throughout the day.
    • We encourage visitors to wear a mask or face covering for their own protection and that of our staff when visiting our offices.  
    Hegarty Solicitors Covid Health and Safety MeasuresIf you have any concerns about booking appointments or visiting our offices, please do not hesitate to contact your legal adviser or your local office. [button_shortcode button_url="/contact-us/#contact-page-form-start" button_text="Contact us"]

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