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  • In the early months of 2020, several employment law changes have been announced by the government. Our Employment team have provided a quick summary of the 5 key changes that are taking place and how they are likely to impact employers and employees.

    1. Statutory Sick Pay

    On Wednesday 4th March 2020, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that as a part of the government’s Emergency Coronavirus Legislation, Statutory Sick Pay will be given on the very first day an employee is absent from work due to illness. Under the current ruling, employees are given Statutory Sick Pay on the fourth day of absence.However, to qualify for Statutory Sick Pay, an employee must earn a minimum of £118 per week. Employees that do not meet the minimum requirements are given the option to apply for Universal Credit.

    2. Parental Bereavement Leave Regulations 2020

    Under the Parental Bereavement Leave Regulations 2020 which will take effect on 6th April 2020, any employee who experiences the loss of a child under the age of 18 or suffers a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy will be entitled to two week’s statutory leave. The employee has the choice to either take their leave all at once or in two separate blocks.The leave only applies to employees that have been employed for a minimum of 26 weeks and meet the minimum earnings criteria.

    3. Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (General) Regulations 2020

    The new regulations entitle bereaved parents who are in employment to receive a statutory payment from employers called the statutory parental bereavement pay. Statutory parental bereavement pay will be given at the same rate as statutory paternity or on 90% of weekly earnings if this is the lower. These changes will take effect on 6th April 2020.

    4. Statements of Particulars of Employment

    On 6th April 2020, all employers must provide Section 1 Statements of Particulars of Employment to workers and employees on the first day of their employment. The Statements now include additional information such as details of paid leave and the types of training that must be given to employees.

    5. National Insurance Contributions and Termination

    Under new regulations, employers will now be subject to pay National Insurance Contributions on compensation payments of more than £30,000. Previously there was no expectation for employers to pay National Insurance Contributions on the loss of employment.To speak to us about any aspect of employment law contact a member of our employment law team today.

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