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  • 26 Sept 2012

    Court is Not the Only Option for Divorce

    A recent survey of over 2,000 British adults found that three quarters of people in the East of England say that children should come first within a divorce. Surprisingly, nearly half of those polled in the survey thought that most divorces involved a visit to the Court.

    The prospect of going to Court can add more pressure and angst to an already stressful situation. But it doesn’t have to be like a scene from a television soap. There are non-Court alternatives to divorce and resolving the issues that arise from a relationship breaking down. Often couples want to avoid conflict, court costs, delay and the risk of an unfavourable decision. By using alternatives such as collaboration or mediation the couple can talk through their concerns and work out solutions which are right for their situation.

    To help people understand the alternatives to going to Court, local firms are offering a free information meeting by telephone to anyone who is looking to separate or get divorced. This is part of a national campaign for Family Dispute Resolution week. Between Thursday 27 September and Thursday 4 October Hegarty LLP along with other local solicitors will all be offering the free “options” call. During the call, a trained solicitor will explain the alternative options available and the process involved.

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