The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has announced how the government will respond to the Taylor review of modern working practices.
The review was published in July 2017 and considered the impacts that modern working practices are having on the world.
“The UK will become one of the first countries to respond to the challenges of the changing world of work in the modern economy” says the government.
Some of the important actions that the government intends to carry out include:
- Providing holiday and sick pay entitlements for ‘vulnerable workers’ – for the first time
- A 'more stable contract’ for all workers and not just zero-hour or agency workers.
- Day-one rights, holiday pay, sick pay and payslips for all workers – including casual and zero-hour workers.
- To ensure that unpaid interns do not carry out the job of a worker.
- A naming scheme for employers that fail to pay employment tribunal wards and quadrupling employment tribunal fines for employers showing ‘malice spice or gross oversight to £20,000.’
- Providing a clear breakdown to agency workers to ensure that they can see who pays them and the costs and charges that have been reduced from wages. To ensure expectant mothers and new mothers are aware of their workplace rights.
- The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy intends to work with trade unions, labour market experts and the business community to ensure that they are measuring the standards of quality work that were established in the Taylor Review.
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