Anyone who has experienced the stress of buying or selling a property will understand how important it is to have access to the latest updates relating to that transaction. A local law firm has answered the call for an online monitoring system to enable clients to track the progress of their house sale or purchase online. This means that anyone using Hegarty LLP to do the conveyancing for their property transaction will be able to go to a secure website to view the latest information available – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Head of the property department, Hugh Nicholls, said “We pride ourselves on providing a proactive service and update clients as and when things change. We understand that people are busy so we have developed this online monitoring service for clients who simply don’t have time during the working day to take calls. Most people are used to online tracking for delivery of products, this system gives people the same ability to track the progress of their property transaction – outside working hours at a time that is convenient for them. It’s a simple way of further enhancing our service offering, and we hope that our clients find it a helpful tool.”