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    Our 2024 Work Experience Placement Programme is closed to new applications. Applications for 2025 will open in October 2024.

    Experience what it is really like to work for a busy, vibrant law firm.

    Rather than simply observing solicitors at work or worse, spending the week filing and making tea*, you will be given a series of case studies to complete which allows you to build up a portfolio of work to take away with you.

    A case study may include drafting a will, going to court or attending an employment tribunal – providing real, practical, hands on experience.

    We prioritise students studying law and, unfortunately, we are unable to accept students below the age of 18, given restrictions made by the courts.

    *some tea making may be required!

    Business 1176807787

    Pathway to becoming a solicitor

    Pathway to becoming a CILEX member

    Pathway to becoming a CILEX practitioner or chartered legal executive

    Weird UK Laws you might not know

    Our work experience programme is currently full for 2024 and we are not accepting further applications at this time. 

    Applications for 2025 will open in October 2024.

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