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  • 5 Jan 2018

    My husband has left our family home and I cannot pay the bills. What can I do?

    Maintenance Pending Suit (MPS) is financial support paid by one spouse to the other after divorce proceedings have been issued. The most common reason for applying for MPS is, for example, where the breadwinner leaves the matrimonial home and the homemaker, who may have no income or a very limited income, cannot afford to pay for utility bills, food etc. without support from the other spouse.It is important to consider the fact that because the application is on an interim basis and therefore likely to last only months, rather than years, the cost of the application can potentially outweigh the financial relief sought. However, in most cases, solicitors are able to negotiate an agreement in relation to this type of interim financial support without the need to make an application to the Court which can save both parties significant legal expense.If you would like further advice, please contact Chris Brown at Hegarty Solicitors on 01733 295 627 or email chris.brown@hegarty.co.uk.

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