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  • The UK’s divorce laws are undergoing a transformation.

    In April 2019 the then Justice Secretary, David Gauke, announced changes to the 1973 law – and many have heralded those changes as an ‘end to the blame game’ in divorce proceedings.

    The UK’s divorce laws are undergoing a transformation.

    As of the 6th April 2022 the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 (the ‘DDSA’) brought substantial changes to the divorce process in England and Wales.

    The Act provides for the biggest reform of divorce law in fifty years and aims to reduce conflict between couples legally ending a marriage or civil partnership.

    Personal Divorce

    At Hegarty, we recognise that many people will still prefer to have a Solicitor make the divorce application on their behalf under the new process, to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible and that nothing is missed. However, we expect the amount of work involved in the divorce process will reduce as a result of the changes, we have therefore halved the cost of our fixed fee divorce package for divorces under the new rules to reflect this.

    We want to ensure everyone has access to legal assistance with their divorce and our new fixed fee divorce package costs just £300+VAT plus court fees, to act for a sole or joint applicant, or a respondent in a divorce. The new price for the Hegarty fixed fee divorce applies from 6 April 2022 for divorces issued under the new law.

    Divorce Laws from April 6th 2022

    How will the new divorce law change divorce?

    The new legislation was announced following public consultation and sees the UK’s divorce laws extend the grounds for divorce. The new divorce laws will remove the need for evidence of adultery, desertion or unreasonable behaviour.

    The Justice Secretary explained the motivation behind the new divorce laws: “While we will always uphold the institution of marriage, it cannot be right that our outdated law creates or increases conflict between divorcing couples.”

    The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, which will allow married couples to divorce without assigning blame, comes into force on 6th April 2022.

    The history of divorce law in the UK

    Prior to April 2022 the UK divorce laws had been in place since 1973 – as a part of The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Yet, the history of divorce law in the UK stretches back much, much further.

    We are all familiar with the rhyme about King Henry VIII, which claims the infamous King divorced two of his wives. This can be considered inaccurate, however, as King Henry VIII actually annulled his marriages to Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves. The annulments were granted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, as the church courts retained the power to dissolve marriages.

    From then and until 1857, the right to divorce was largely open only to men and had to be granted by an Act of Parliament (which was also hugely expensive). The 1857 Matrimonial Causes Act saw a big change to this: divorce was opened up to ordinary people – although women still had to prove their husband had committed adultery and prove additional faults.

    Other divorce laws were passed over time, adding new grounds for divorce or making divorce easier to access (particularly for women).

    What were the divorce laws in the UK prior to April 2022?

    The biggest changes that formed the divorce proceedings as we knew them came with The Divorce Reform Act 1969. This Act marked a significant change and enabled people to end marriages that had “irretrievably broken down” without having to prove fault. Couples could end marriages after two years of separation, if both parties desired divorce, or five years if only one party desired divorce.

    The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 set out the basis of divorce and also detailed how the courts should deal with financial issues that are often entwined with divorce.

    New divorce laws UK

    In the years following The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, moves were made to modernise the UK’s divorce laws. The Family Law Act 1996, for example, aimed to shift more towards a ‘no fault’ divorce (which included couples attending information sessions and mediation) but this was not proceeded with as initial pilot schemes did not yield positive results.

    Fast-forward over twenty years and, in contrast, the no-fault divorce laws that were proposed on 9 April 2019 have – largely – been positively received.

    What has changed with the new UK divorce laws?

    The changes proposed by the Justice Secretary on 9 April 2019 would establish a minimum six-month timeframe to enable couples to “reflect” on their decision. The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill also removes the possibility of contesting the decision to divorce, however divorce proceedings will still be challengeable on certain grounds including fraud and coercion.

    The divorce laws currently in place in the UK have also been widely criticised for forcing couples to apportion blame onto one-another, causing animosity between ex-partners and potentially detrimental effects on those wishing to co-parent. The new divorce laws would, instead, allow for a statement of ‘irretrievable breakdown’ and a joint application for divorce to be made – without a finger being pointed at either spouse.

    Some MP’s have criticised the proposed divorce laws as encouraging ‘divorce on demand’.

    When are the new UK divorce laws coming into force?

    The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, which will allow married couples to divorce without assigning blame, came into force on 6th April 2022.

    If you would like to understand more about how the current divorce laws may impact you, or if you require practical, helpful advice and support with regards to divorce, please contact us to make an appointment with our family law experts at Hegarty Solicitors.

    Key contacts

    Chris Brown


    Partner | Head of the Family Department

    Emma McGrath

    Senior Associate | Family Law

    Pavinder Khela

    Associate Solicitor | Family Law

    Shanya Dasanayake

    Trainee Solicitor | Family Law

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